You have just received a pressure bandage. Please read the following information carefully.

For a leg

The first 48 hours you are not allowed to stand on the leg and you have to mobilize with crutches. When in rest, elevate the leg as much as possible. Keep the foot higher than the knee and the knee higher than the hip. During the night you can put a pillow under the mattress or elevate the end of the bed. After 48 hours, when pain and swelling allows it, you can gently start walking.

To ease and prevent swelling and pain it is advisable to do the exercise as written below, every hour, ten times.

  • Move, if possible, the toes upwards; towards the nose.
    Keep them in this position for 5 seconds.
    Then push them away and again keep them in this position for five seconds.
  • Make, if possible, little circles with your ankle.
  • Stretch your leg, lift it and remain in this position for five seconds.

After five to seven days you will return to the department in the outpatient clinic, also referred to as "de gipskamer", unless the doctor says otherwise. There they will remove the pressure bandage and evaluate your knee or ankle.

For an arm

Keep your hand elevated. During the day you will have to use the sling that is provided by the specialized nurse. Only during the night you can take the sling off and if you do, please remember to put your hand on a pillow in order to keep it elevated.

To ease and prevent pain and swelling it is advisable to do the exercise as written below, every hour, ten times.

  • Squeeze, if possible, the fingers together and keep them in this position.
    Then stretch the fingers completely and again keep them in this position for five seconds.
  • Make, when possible, little circles with your wrist.
  • Make, when possible, little circles with your shoulder.

After five to seven days you will return to the department in the outpatient clinic, also referred to as "de Gipskamer", unless the doctor says otherwise. There they will remove the pressure bandage and evaluate your arm.

Additional information

  • When in pain you can use paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen) according to the information provided by the manufacturer.
    It is a widely used over-the-counter analgesic.
  • When pain and/or swelling increases, a tingling sensation, a decrease of sensation, a change of colour and/or cold fingers or toes occur (signs of decreased circulation), please contact the emergency department.
  • Squeeze the fingers or toes for five seconds until they appear white, then release and check if the fingers or toes turn pink within two seconds.
    If this is not the case, please, contact the emergency department.
  • Keep the bandage dry.
    If it does get wet, please contact the emergency department.
  • Seal-tight shower protection is for sale at the emergency department and "de Gipskamer".
  • Shower protection must be fitted five cm/two inches above the bandage.
  • Crutches can be rented at the emergency department.
  • When you have any questions you can always contact the emergency department.
    The emergency department can be reached 24/7.


Amsterdam UMC, location AMC

Meibergdreef 9

1105 AZ Amsterdam-Zuidoost

The emergency department: 020 566 22 22

For more information:

Gipskamer polikliniek Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC

Spoedeisende Hulp (SEH) Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC