As a part of the fertility test, an Xray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes has been agreed for you.This research is also known as a Hysterosalpingografie and is an Xray research. In this examination we want to see whether there are any abnormalities in the uterus or the fallopian tubes and whether they are accessible.

It is very important that you avoid any chance of pregnancy before this examination.

This means that you do not have sexual intercourse (no sex) until the photo is taken. If you have had intercourse, the investigation will not proceed.

We prefer to do this examination at a time when your period has just ended, but ovulation has not yet occurred. If this is not possible, the examination is carried out after ovulation.

Preparation for the research:

We advise to take two tablets of Naproxen (ma.250mg per tablet) in the evening before the examination and again two hours before your appointment. You can buy these tablets at your pharmacy or drugstore.

If you use blood thinning medication, then take two tablets of Paracetamol (max.500mg per tablet) before the appointment.

You do not have to prepare specifically for this examination. You can eat an d drink before you report to the radiology department.

The examination:

  1. During this examination you lay on the treatment table of the Xray machine. A speculum is placed into the vagina and then your cervix is cleaned with betadine (kind of iodine)
  2. Then a plastic cup will be inserted in your cervix. This cup contains a small tube by which we inject contrast fluid into your uterus and fallopian tubes.
  3. During injection of the fluid we can see on a screen how the fluid runs through the uterus and fallopian tubes. During this procedure you can experience pain, like menstrual cramps.
  4. The radiologist will take some x-rays of your uterus. Then we ask you (after removing the cup) to walk around, and after about 30 minutes we will make another Xray of the fallopian tubes. The examination takes about 45 minutes.

After the examination:

The contrast fluid will leave your uterus the natural way. We will provide you with a sanitary towel. The cramps you might experience during the examination will get better very soon.

You may experience bloody or discolored discharge for a few days.

The Xray’s of the examination will be discussed by our gynecological team. They will also discuss what the next step in your treatment will be. We will make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the results with you.

When to contact us:

Contact the fertility department when:

  • If you experience stomach ache after the examination
  • If the stomach ache increases in the days after the examination
  • If you get a fever (temperature above 38,5 degrees)


The contrast fluid contains iodine. If you are hypersensitive to iodine, please tell the doctor, nurse or Xray laboratory technician, before the examination.

If you cannot come to the appointment, please inform the fertility department in time.

Contact or more information:

If you have any further questions, please contact the Amsterdam UMC, fertility department/IVF Center, location VUMC

Gebouw Zuid

Amstelveenseweg 601

1081JC Amsterdam

T.(020) 444 3269, You can call us from Monday until Friday from 10.00 to 12.00.

Nurses station, choose option 4

IVF-centrum Amsterdam UMC