This manual consists of 3 parts: General information about at home monitoring Instructions on measuring blood glucose levelInstructions on entering your measurement in: Mijn Dossier
General information about at home monitoring
What is the goal of at home monitoring?
Your blood glucose levels give us important information about your health. At home monitoring allows us to remotely monitor the health of you and your baby.
What are the agreements made for measuring glucose at home?
- Measure four times a day: 1x fasting (in the morning, before you eat or drink anything) and 3x 2 hours after the main meals.
- The target glucose levels are:
- Fasting: less than or equal to 5.3 mmol/l
- 2 hours after meals: less than or equal to 6.7 mmol/l
- During pregnancy, we ask you to submit your glucose measurements each week. Fill in your glucose measurements of the previous week in the Mijn Dossier app, every Monday morning no later than 12:00. You can choose to fill in your values after each measurement, once a day, or once a week. The health care provider will check the values once a week.
- If the glucose levels are outside of the values you agreed on with your healthcare provider, we will contact you.
- For advice and urgent questions, you can call 020-5662694 during office hours (8:30-17:00). Ask to connect you to the doctor’s assistant for pregnancy diabetes. She will assess your question and, if necessary, have a diabetes nurse call you back.
- Outside of office hours, you can contact other numbers. For urgent questions about your pregnancy diabetes, call 020-5669111 and ask for the internist on duty. For urgent questions about your pregnancy, call the SEHV (emergency room for pregnant patients) at 020-5661500.
- Do you have a question related to your pregnancy or pregnancy diabetes and it is not an emergency? You can send a message via the app Mijn Dossier: click on “Menu” and “Een bericht verzenden” (English: “Send a message”).
- Do you have questions about submitting your values in the Mijn Dossier app? Call the Digipunt 020-4443336 (available on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00).
Instructions on measuring blood glucose levels
For more information: Checking your blood sugar levels | Diabetes testing | Diabetes UK
- Finger-prick device and a lancet (a very short, fine needle)
- Glucose meter and test strip
- Tissue or cotton ball
- Sharps bin
Follow these steps:
- Wash your hands and dry them well.
- Prepare the finger-prick device and a lancet.
- Insert the lancet into the finger-prick device.
- Set the lancet depth on the finger-prick device.
- Insert a test strip into the glucose meter.
- Prick a side of your finger.
- Touch the test strip to the drop of blood.
- You will see the result within a few seconds.
- Write down the value or add it to Mijn Dossier (see part 3 of this guide).
- Remove the lancet from the finger-prick device and put it in the sharps bin.
Instructions on entering your measurement in: Mijn Dossier
You can enter your measurements in the app: Mijn Dossier, this is your digital patient record. You can use Mijn Dossier on a cell phone/tablet or via a computer. Below, you first find the instructions to enter your measurements via your cell phone/tablet. Then followed by the instructions for entering via your computer.
Entering at home measurements via cell phone or tablet
Do you want to enter your measurements via your cell phone or tablet? Then use the “Mijn Dossier Amsterdam UMC” app. You can download this app for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. Because the app is in Dutch, pictures of the app are shown below with the translation described in the steps.
Step 1
Open the “Mijn Dossier Amsterdam UMC” app. Log in with your DigiD or your Username (“Gebruikersnaam voor Mijn Dossier”) and password (Wachtwoord).
Step 2
Click on ‘Menu’.
Step 3
Click in the menu on “Zelf metingen invoeren” (“Enter my own measurements”) to enter your measurements. See the blue square:
Step 4
Click on ‘Glucose dagoverzicht’ to go to your daily glucose overview. This screen only comes up when you have more measurements at other departments. If you only have measurements for blood glucose levels, go to step 5.
Step 5
Click the button at the bottom of the page “Metingen toevoegen”, which means adding measurements.
Step 6
Choose the date for which you want to submit your glucose measurements.
Step 7
- Enter glucose measurements, insulin values and any comments by clicking on the correct field.
- If there is a decimal point, it is very important to use commas (X,X) instead of periods (X.X). Periods are not recognized and will give false measurement.
- In the “Comment” field you can write about what you ate or did that caused your values to be different from normal.
- If a field does not apply to you, you can leave it blank.
- For each measurement, fill in the correct time at which you measured it.
- Then click on “Bewaar” (“Save”) or the save icon :
(depending on your phone operating system) in the upper right corner on the screen to save the data.
- The translation is showed in the red figures below on the left side:
Step 8
Look again at the overview and check your entered values. Do you want to change anything? Then click on “Terug” (“Back”). Are the values entered correctly? Then click on “Verzenden” (“Send”). You can change the data for 24 hours after sending.
Entering home measurements via computer
Step 1
Go to the website: Mijn Dossier - Inlogpagina ( Log in with your DigiD or your Username (Gebruikersnaam voor Mijn Dossier) and password (Wachtwoord).
Step 2
Click on ‘Menu’ in the upper right on the screen.
Step 3
Click in the menu on “Zelf metingen invoeren” (“Enter my own measurements”) to enter your measurements. See the blue square:
Step 4
Click on ‘Glucose dagoverzicht’ to go to your daily glucose overview.
Step 5
Click the button “Nieuwe gegevens toevoegen”, which means adding new data.
Step 6
Choose the date for which you want to submit your glucose levels.
Step 7
- Enter glucose measurements, insulin values and any comments.
- If there is a decimal point, it is very important to use commas (X,X) instead of periods (X.X). Periods are not recognized and will give false measurement.
- In the “Comment” field you can fill in what you ate or did that caused your values to be different from normal.
- If a field does not apply to you, you can leave it blank.
- For each measurement, fill in the correct time (HH:MM) at which you measured it.
- Then click on “Doorgaan” to go on.
- The translation is showed on the next page.
Step 8
Review the overview and check your entered values. Do you want to change anything? Then click on “Terug” (“Back”). Are the values entered correctly? Then click on “Verzenden” (“Send”). You can change the data for 24 hours after sending.